Guests are individuals invited to a Workspace with limited access. Guests may, depending on the permissions, view or modify documents in Document Editor, but do not have access to any other area in Legito.
Guests are invited through shareable links. Detailed information on how to share with Guests (External Sharing) can be found in the KnowledgeBase article on Document Sharing. Guests are not counted towards the total number of users under your license. Guests access is typically used for occasions when documents need to be temporarily shared with people who are not currently registered in your Workspace.
External parties such as clients, or individuals within your company who do not require regular access to your Legito Workspace are good candidates to be Guests. Another possible use case may be to post a template using a shareable link placed on a customer’s website in order to pick up new clients.
Document access for a Guest is limited compared to that of a full user. Guests may view a document in Document Editor and, if granted edit rights, fill in a document and make comments.
The following feature Document Editor features are unavailable and hidden to Guests: