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Properties: Inputs

Inputs allow users to insert any text, numerical, or financial values to Document Record Properties. The following types of Document Record Properties are in the “Inputs” category:

Single-line Text

This property allows users to add text. The text will be displayed in a single row in the Document Record. Any text that exceeds the designated area will be hidden but will become visible to the user in a “bubble” when the cursor hovers over the property. There is no special setting for this property type.

Multi-line Text

This property allows users to add text. The text will be displayed in the Document Record. There is no special setting for this property type.

Single Date

This property allows users to select a date. There is no special setting for this property type.

Multiple Dates

This property allows users to select multiple dates. There is no special setting for this property type.

Numerical Value

This property allows users to insert a number. It is possible to define a prefix, a suffix, and the number of decimal places for the property. Prefixes, suffixes, and decimal places are locked as defined in the property settings and they cannot be modified in Document Records. The number value is the only modifiable part of this property.

Financial Value

This property allows users to insert a financial value (a numerical value and choose from the list of currencies). There is no special setting for this property type.