User Groups
The User Groups feature makes it possible to apply access rights to a group of users simultaneously, rather than on an individual basis. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of access being granted incorrectly.
User Groups are created and modified along with User permissions under the People section of Legito. It is possible to toggle between Users Groups and Users by clicking their respective buttons in the left menu. The Add User Group button will open a window that will request a new User Group name to be entered and will allow for the adding of Users to the User Group by dropdown.
Each User added to the Group may have one of the following four levels of access:
- List Documents – Able to see the Document Records that have been shared with the User Group
- View Document Content – “View Only” access to documents assigned to the User Group
- Edit Documents – Edit rights to documents shared with the User Group
- Manage Documents – Full Edit and Sharing rights to documents shared with the User Group.
Once a User Group has been created, it will be visible when using the Sharing feature: Although Shared to a User Group, the levels of access listed above will control how each user in a User Group interacts with the shared document.
User Groups also come into play with Workflow Approvals. When assigning a list of approvers in a Workflow, it is possible to assign User Groups as well as Users. More information about this can be found in the KnowledgeBase article on Workflow Approvals.