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Document Workflow & Approvals

Learn how Workflows can to aid your document life-cycle management using process modeling and approvals.

15 min | 9 Tasks

Task 9: Test Workflow

In this final task of this course, we’ll test the Training workflow and determine if it works correctly.
There are two options available for testing a Workflow:

a) On an automatically created Document Record of a Legito Document (document created from an automated Template); or

b) On a manually created Document Record of an uploaded (externally created) document.

Let’s start with option a).

First, go to your Dashboard and create a new document from your automated Loan Agreement template. (If you have not yet done this part of our Courses, use the Legito sample Template to which the Training Workflow was attached in the previous task.)

Now go to the Manage Documents area. The Document Record of the newly created document should be on the top row. Find the Stage for your document (which is set to Draft). Open the dropdown of Workflow Stages and:

  • Mare sure that the Training Workflow was applied to this Document Record (The Stages will match);
  • Make sure that all Stages (except “To Be Reviewed” are disabled (greyed out);
  • Move the Document Record’s Stage to the “To Be Reviewed” Stage.

Now expand the Document Record (e.g. click to Document Name). The “Appoint Approvers” button will be visible in the right section of the Document Record. Click that button, appoint yourself as a document Approver and confirm.

As a document Approver, you will be able to either Approve or Reject the document by clicking on the appropriate button in the right section of the Document Record. Click Approve.

Now, move the document to the Managers Confirmation Stage. The Appoint Approvers button will once again appear. Click it (because the current approval is set as fixed, there is no need to select approvers). In this instance, Approvers will be appointed automatically based on the Approvals settings in Workflow Editor. Click Approve.

Now move the document to the “Ready For Signature” Stage.

Now make sure that the Stage can only be manually moved from the “Executed Stage” to the “To Be Terminated” Stage only. If so, congratulations, you successfully created and tested your Training Workflow.

Option b)

Quite similar to option a), except, rather than creating Legito document from an automated Template, start by the Create Document Record button on the left side of the Recent Documents section of your Dashboard. A new window will appear on the left side of your screen of the required fields please complete the following:

  • Document Name (e.g. Test Document);
  • Stage dropdown (to the right of Document Name): Choose Training Workflow;

Confirm the new document record by clicking on Save button at the bottom.